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CALL US: 250-687-4155


prize moose, hunting, wilderness

Our large territory has an abundance of prime moose habitat with many lakes, rivers, meadows, logging blocks, and swamps on the foothills of the Omineca mountains. The exciting part is most of the territory has not been hunted by the previous owner and you can be the first to tap into some of this new area and bag a huge bull. We offer trophy moose hunts during the rut via fly-in, truck, ATV, boat, jet boat and backpacking to access many of the great hunting spots. Our late season post-rut meat moose hunts with an opportunity at a trophy are a great way to fill your freezer with some nice organic meat. Average harvested moose between 45" - 55" with some in the 60" range. Most years moose hunters have 100% opportunity at harvesting a moose and we were 100% successful in 2019.


lodge, hunting

We have a nice main lodge with a guest cabin on beautiful Chuchi Lake. It is located about 4 hours from Prince George and 1 hour North of Fort St-James.  It has power, shower, and wood heat.  We are planning to build cabin camps on our remote sites and are currently utilizing spike camps for our fly-in and backpack hunts. Pick-up and drop-off in Prince George is included on all hunts. 





ray-johen klawli goat 2019  (2).jpg

We have an excellent goat territory with 100% success over the last 10 years.  Hunts are via backpack requiring moderate physical fitness.  Typical hikes to the treeline are 2 to 4 hours.  Spike camps are setup in strategic locations on the mountain range and average horns between 9" and 11".   


fishing, lake

Our lodge is situated on a large lake that is part of the Nations river watershed.  It offers great trout and char fishing.  There are many other lakes and rivers to fish in our area and we can even arrange fly-in trips.  Aside from your license, the fishing is free on any of our hunts. Fishing packages are offered throughout the summer and we can customize to suit your preferences.   



We do have big elk and mule/whitetail deer in our territory but they are not plentiful being at the northern tip of their range.  They do make for a good second species opportunity hunt with trophy fee only, when combined with any of the above hunts.  



prize bear, hunting

Our spring bear hunts are very exciting with numerous sightings per day often in the double digits.  Average harvest size between 6' to 7'.  There is a high density and we take a limited number of hunters affording many opportunities including color phase bears.  Bears will frequent the southern mountain slopes and newer logging cuts, feeding on the fresh grasses, clover and dandelions in the spring.  We know where the good  berry patches are and can put you on some great bears in the Fall as well.  We are also lobbying to return the grizzly hunt in BC.


timberwolve, hunt, trophy

We have big timberwolves throughout the area and can be taken at no extra cost when combined with other hunts.  ASK ABOUT WINTER WOLF HUNTS & TRAPLINE ADVENTURES!  This is an exciting way to harvest this rare trophy while breaking up the winter blues.  Add an opportunity Lynx to your wolf hunt for trophy fee only.  


Upland game birds are also free when combined with any of our hunts.   

© 2023 by Wolverine Range Outfitters

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